zzz_Free Yoga Mat Storage

free mat storage yoga dc


Anyone can store a mat at Yoga District for free if you put it in the area marked for student mat storage (not the areas for student rental mats). Your mat must be secured with a mat tie around it securely or preferably covered in a yoga mat bag, otherwise it will be donated to Yoga Activist. We are sorry that we cannot be responsible for your mat while it is stored at Yoga District. People leave their mats in our storage areas at their own risk, but we haven’t had any mat thieves as the community is very respectful and peaceful.

From time to time, we will ask students to leave a note affixed to the outside of their rolled yoga mat stating the date the mat was last used. After at least one month of asking students to leave such a note, we will remove all mats that don’t have such a note affixed to them.

Those mats will be donated to Yoga Activist, our sister nonprofit. Yoga Activist donates mats to yoga outreach programs sharing yoga and mindfulness with underserved communities. Check out Yoga Activist’s mat program accomplishments last year to learn more. 

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