Better late than never… Yoga District is pleased to release its 2011 financials.  Yes, we operate at a loss in dollars, but our profits are infinite because Yoga District is founded on the belief that all being have a right to be happy, peaceful and free. Practicing yoga can help us realize and exercise that right.

So we’re staying true to our non-profit mission to make high-quality yoga and mindfulness education accessible to all, while also caring for our teachers– half of every dollar spent at Yoga District goes toward teacher pay. We are working hard to make sure all our teachers have health insurance, and our senior teachers get paid time off and education benefits. Our teachers get paid based on attendance, so it’s up to you- please support their and your own well-being by coming to class!

The other half of every dollar you spend with Yoga District goes towards everything from rent and expenses to supporting Yoga Activist yoga outreach programs to underserved communities in shelters, schools, jails, and beyond.

And, because we can’t help ourselves, we foster a couple baby orphan elephants and anti-poaching / de-snaring efforts at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (baby Balguda pictured here).

In collaboration with Yoga Activist, Yoga District is also pleased to announce our first yoga service mission abroad coming up in December – we will be conducting a teacher-training for folks abroad with limited access to yoga, fostering self-empowerment and enabling them to share yoga and its essential coping skills with other trauma survivors in their own communities. Stay tuned…

There’s no limit to what we can do together. Thanks for being part of the movement.



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