Join one of our lovely teachers, Atticus, as she shares the practice of Medicine Wheel Yoga this Saturday (November 18th) from 4 to 6 pm at our Bloomingdale studio.

Medicine Wheel Yoga blends two ancient healing systems, Peruvian shamanism and yoga. This 2 hour workshop features an introduction to the Peruvian Medicine Wheel, live music, 90 minute asana practice, an extended sonic savasana and group reflection. Take home a Medicine Wheel map and description to continue the inner work.

Saturday November 18th, 4 – 6 pm at our Bloomingdale studio

Click here to sign up for the the workshop.

For those new to this practice or want to learn more about it, read on for what Atticus has to say about Medicine Wheel Yoga and her workshop:


Medicine Wheel Yoga could be a fascinating study for a modern practitioner since it is an overlap of ancient practices, Peruvian shamanism and yoga. This type of practice highlights how we can achieve harmonious balance or “yoga” through many means and calls upon various tools to facilitate our journey to that state.


Shamanism is a practice, which recently has been drawn into mainstream thought and vernacular. It is becoming a revered, reclaimed process that allows us to examine our shadow, and thus embrace our light, with greater empowerment and consciousness.

Just like in yoga, shamanism reveals to us that we are far more than this physical body. The power we have to transmute trauma, reclaim the weaving of our story, and heal wounds of personal and collective natures resides within the work of each individual.

In the shamanic lineage, we are given a set of tools that are physical, energetic, and of the natural world to facilitate this journey to healing. Both yoga and shamanism highlight the importance of the inner journey, which ultimately ripples outward into the external world and completely reorganizes the practitioner’s life to become one of co-creation as opposed to one of passivity.

We become powerful manifestors and creators; leaders and compassionate beings. We approach each day with a deeper awareness and conscious connection with our rhythms.  


What to Expect at the Workshop?

The Medicine Wheel Yoga workshop begins with an introduction to the system of the Peruvian Medicine Wheel, the map to understanding our cyclical journey through emotional, mental, and spiritual states of the human experience. This is followed by an invocation of the power of energetic healing and then integrated through an asana series. The experience concludes with a “journey to the underworld,” or deep subconscious, in meditative savasana.  

The series of poses is designed to help us experience the medicine wheel in its four directions:

  • The Wind of the South, the Serpent, leads us to shed our shadows and the past
  • The Wind of the West, the Jaguar, shows us how to transform the darkness into light
  • The Wind of the North, the Hummingbird, guides us on an epic journey of levity and joy
  • The Wind of the East, the Eagle, flies us above the mountains and clouds to teach us to see the entire fabric of life

Learn to integrate the tools of the ancient Peruvian Medicine Wheel in a way that supports your journey to healing and empowerment. Come ready to receive an activation of creative participation with your life. You are more than you can imagine.

We hope to see you there!

Saturday November 18th, 4 – 6 pm at our Bloomingdale studio

Click here to sign up for the the workshop!

With love,




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