by Blog Team of Yoga District | Jul 13, 2013 | The Blog
Step-by-Step: Lay flat on your back, legs long with head resting heavy on the mat. Draw your knees in toward your chest, bent, and cross your right leg over left. Reach for your ankles or feet with each hand (right hand grabs left foot, left hand grabs right foot).... by Blog Team of Yoga District | Jul 12, 2013 | The Blog
Step-by-Step: Lay flat on your back, legs long. Head is heavy, face is relaxed. Plant your left foot flat on the mat, knee bent. Make sure you can just barely reach your left heel with your left fingertips. Bend your right leg, placing right ankle on top of left knee.... by Blog Team of Yoga District | Jul 11, 2013 | The Blog
Step-by-Step: Start in a seated position, legs long, tall spine. Bend your left leg, bringing left knee to mat, left heel to outside of right hip. Bend your right leg up and over the left leg, right ankle hooks outside left knee (sole of right foot presses into the... by Blog Team of Yoga District | Jul 10, 2013 | The Blog
Step-by-Step: From Downward Facing Dog, start by sending your right leg up and back. Shift forward, stacking shoulders over wrists and bring the right knee to the floor behind the right wrist. Work to bring the right foot as close to the left wrist as it will go.... by Blog Team of Yoga District | Jul 9, 2013 | The Blog
Step-by-Step: From laying on your back, exhale and use your core to send your legs up and over head with control. Slowly lower your feet toward the floor behind and beyond your head. Keep your chin to your chest, neck straight, and do not look from side to side. If...